I've had a few days away from blogging courtesy of the ANZIBA (Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy) conference. I had the honour of providing the photo for the cover of the conference programme and proceedings CD (see the original here) as well as being the official photographer for the event.

My other piece of flair appeared on the official banner - the Nikau palms to the right of the banner were cobbled together by Tony and I from this photo which I took back in January in a momentary state of precognition.

Of course, I had to wear my academic hat at the same time, and in quite a surprising turn of events I was the co-winner (with Susan Wong, on the left) of the Research Students' Colloquium 'Best Proposal' award. We're photographed with Elizabeth Rose (ANZIBA president).
Following my usual strategy for people photography I lurked about in the shadows with a 105mm lens and avoided using a flash. The photos aren't terribly interesting if you're not in the field, but here are a few:

The Research Students' Colloquium featured (as you would expect) a number of PhD and Masters level students...

...as well as some eminent speakers including Professor Peter Buckley - 22 books and 140+ journal articles (left) and Professor Peter Leisch (right)...

... Professors Peter Dowling (left) and Hideki Yoshihara (right)

...and Professor Kiyohiko Ito (University of Hawaii)

The main conference was kicked off by Professor Pat Walsh (Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington)

Friday's keynote presentation was by Peter Buckley...

Saturday's main event was Hideki Yoshihara's presentation

Yoshihara sensei was very interested to hear that I was taking photos at ISO 1600, as he never goes above 400. Ah, the wonders of digital photography.

Yet another probing question from Howard

Professor Sid Gray (University of Sydney) in discussions with Susan

International business as usual for Cruise and Audra